ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Envelope (waves)

Hey there kiddo! Have you ever seen an envelope? It's like a paper that holds a letter inside it, right? Just like that, an envelope wave holds information about another wave.

Let's say you have a sound wave that represents a song. The envelope wave holds information about the loudness and intensity of the song. Imagine that you're in a room with music playing. Sometimes the song is loud, and sometimes it's quiet. The envelope wave shows you how the loudness of the song changes over time.

Think about it like this - the envelope wave is like the paper that holds the song inside it. Just like how you can open the envelope and read the letter inside it, you can look at the envelope wave and see how the loudness of the song changes.

So, in simple terms, an envelope wave is a wave that holds information about the loudness or intensity of another wave, like a sound or radio wave. It helps us to visualize how the volume of the sound changes over time.