ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Environmental chemistry

Environmental chemistry is a big word that means we study how different chemicals in the environment interact with each other, and how these interactions can affect living things, like animals and plants, and even people like us.

Let’s imagine that the environment is a big playground with lots of different toys (our planet is the playground!). Each of these toys represents a different chemical or element that we might find in the environment, like oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, and thousands more. All of these toys are important, but if they get mixed up in the wrong way, they might not be fun to play with anymore - this is where environmental chemists come in!

Environmental chemists help make sure that all the toys are in the right place and not all jumbled up. This helps keep the playground neat and tidy so that everyone playing on it can enjoy it!

But sometimes there are toys on the playground that aren’t supposed to be there, like a piece of litter or pollution. These unwanted toys can make it hard for us to play or even cause harm to our bodies. Environmental chemists work hard to find ways to remove these unwanted toys, and also figure out how to keep them from coming back in the future.

So, in short, environmental chemistry is like a big playdate where we make sure all the toys are organized, safe, and everyone can have fun!