ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Epistemic injustice

Epistemic injustice is when someone is treated unfairly or disrespected because of their knowledge or beliefs. Think of it like being picked on or ignored because you don't know a lot about a certain subject, even though you're trying to learn. It can also happen when people don't believe or value what you have to say, even though you have good reasons and evidence to support your ideas.

For example, imagine you are in a class and the teacher always ignores your questions or tells you to be quiet because they think you don't really understand the material. This is a type of epistemic injustice because the teacher is not valuing or listening to your knowledge and questions, even though you might have a lot to contribute to the class.

Epistemic injustice can happen to anyone, but it can be especially unfair to people who come from different cultures, speak different languages, or have different life experiences. It's important to treat everyone's ideas and knowledge with respect and to be open to learn from each other, even if we might not agree on everything.