Epitaxy is like building a tower by stacking blocks on top of each other. Imagine you have a pile of blocks and you want to build a tower. You start by putting one block on the ground, then you put another block on top of that one, and you keep going until your tower is as tall as you want it to be. Epitaxy is kind of like that, but instead of blocks, we use tiny little crystals.
To make a crystal, we start with a tiny seed crystal that we put in a container filled with special chemicals. These chemicals are like the blocks in our tower, and they stick to the seed crystal to make it bigger. We do this over and over again until the crystal is as big as we want it to be.
Now, imagine we want to build a tower out of crystals instead of blocks. We could just take a bunch of crystals and stack them on top of each other, but they might not stick together very well. That's where epitaxy comes in.
Instead of just stacking crystals on top of each other, we use a special process to grow one crystal on top of another crystal. It's like building a tower, but the blocks are already stuck together. We do this by heating up a surface and then depositing the special chemicals onto it. The chemicals stick together to form a crystal, and because of the heat, they stick to the crystal below it too.
This makes a really strong tower of crystals. Scientists use epitaxy to make all kinds of things, like computer chips and solar cells. By carefully growing crystals on top of each other, we can make really precise and complex structures that are very useful for all kinds of technology.