ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Equal pay for women

Equal pay for women means that men and women get paid the same amount of money for doing the same type of job. Imagine that you and your friend helped your teacher clean the classroom after school. You both worked the same amount of time and did the same work, but your friend got more money than you. That would not be fair, right? That's the same thing with equal pay for women. It's not fair if women get less money just because they are girls.

But sometimes, grown-ups think that men are better at some jobs than women, so they give them more money. For example, they might think that only men can be good at being bosses or firefighters. But this is not true! Girls can be just as good as boys in any job.

That's why we need equal pay for women. It ensures that everyone gets paid fairly and no one is treated differently because of their gender. It's important to remember that everyone deserves an equal chance to succeed, and equal pay is one way to make sure that happens.