ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ethnic groups in Chinese history

Okay, so imagine a big group of people who all live in the same place, like your school or your neighborhood. Sometimes, people in this group might look a little different from each other, like some might have darker or lighter skin or different shaped eyes. These differences can be because of their ancestors and where they came from.

In China, there are lots of different groups of people who have lived there for a long time. These groups are called ethnic groups. Some ethnic groups in China include the Han, who make up the majority of people in China, and others like the Tibetan and Uighur people who live in different parts of the country.

These groups have their own unique cultures, languages, and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Sometimes, in the past, different ethnic groups might have had conflicts with each other because they had different beliefs or ideas about how things should be done.

So, just like how you have different friends who come from different backgrounds, China also has lots of different groups of people who have different backgrounds and stories to tell.