ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Euler angles

Euler angles are a way of describing the orientation of an object. They are made up of three numbers, usually written as "yaw, pitch, and roll". Changing these numbers changes the way the object is turned and pointing.

To think of it visually, imagine that you have a cube and you want to turn it in different directions. The first number (yaw) tells you how much you should turn it to the left or right (imagine spinning it around like a top). The second number (pitch) tells you what angle to turn it up and down (imagine tipping it up like a seesaw). The third number (roll) tells you how much the cube should be tilted sideways (imagine rolling it like a wheel).

Euler angles can be used to describe the orientation of airplanes, robots, and lots of other things. They are a mathematical way to talk about how things are turned.