ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Euwallacea fornicatus

EUWALLACEA FORNICATUS is the name of a tiny insect that likes to eat trees. It's very small, about the size of a grain of rice, and it comes from places faraway from us, like Asia. Sometimes, these little insects hitch a ride in things that we import from other places, like wood products or plants.

When they get here, they start looking for trees they like to eat. They have a special way of drilling into the tree and laying their eggs there. When the eggs hatch, the baby insects will also start eating the tree. This can cause a lot of damage to the tree and even kill it.

Some scientists are working very hard to find ways to stop these insects from spreading and hurting our trees. They want to make sure that we keep our trees healthy and strong, so we can enjoy them and all the things they give us, like shade, oxygen, and fruits.
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