ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ezekiel 10

OK kiddo, so in the Bible there's a book called Ezekiel and in chapter 10 it talks about a vision that Ezekiel had.

Ezekiel saw some angels who had special jobs of looking after God's house. They had wings and moved around quickly like lightning. They also had a special kind of wheel that could move in any direction without turning.

The angels were carrying something called coals, which are like really hot rocks. They put the coals on fire and then spread the fire all around God's house to show that God's power was there.

Ezekiel saw that God's glory was slowly leaving the house, which means that God was getting further away. This was because the people who lived there had turned away from God and were not following his rules.

So Ezekiel was seeing this vision to remind the people that they needed to start following God's rules again if they wanted his power and glory to stay with them.

Does that make sense, kiddo?