ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have two groups of toys – one group has a bunch of dolls and another group has a bunch of cars. Now, you want to know if these groups are different from each other or not. But, you don't want to just guess or rely on your intuition – you want to use some maths to be more sure.

So, you start by measuring the height of each doll and the length of each car in both groups. And then, you calculate the average height of dolls and the average length of cars in each group.

Now, you have four average values – two for dolls, and two for cars. But, you still don't know if these groups are really different from each other or if these differences are just due to chance or random variation.

This is where F-statistics come in. F-statistics are a type of statistical test that helps us compare two or more groups to see if there are any differences in the measurements we took.

In our example, we can use F-statistics by dividing the variation between the groups by the variation within each group. In other words, we want to see if there is more variation between the average height of dolls and the average length of cars than there is within each group.

If the F-statistic is big, it means that there is more variation between groups than within each group, which suggests that the groups are truly different. However, if the F-statistic is small, it means that the differences between groups are not significant and could simply be due to chance.

So, by using F-statistics, we can test our hypothesis and find out if the dolls group and cars group are really different from each other or not.