ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fashion in India

Imagine you're going to a big party and you want to wear something nice, like a pretty dress or a fancy suit. That's a lot like fashion in India! People in India like to wear clothes that are beautiful and stylish, just like people all over the world.

But in India, there are also some special styles and traditions that people like to follow. For example, some women like to wear sarees, which are long pieces of colorful fabric that they wrap around themselves in a special way. Sarees can be really beautiful and they come in lots of different colors and patterns.

Men in India also have some special clothes that they like to wear. For example, they might wear a kurta, which is a long tunic that goes down to their knees. Kurta can be really comfortable to wear, especially in hot weather, and they come in lots of different colors and styles.

Another thing that makes fashion in India special is the way that people decorate their clothes. Sometimes, they will add beautiful embroidery, which is like sewing pretty patterns onto the fabric. Or, they might add sparkly beads or sequins to make the outfit really shine and stand out.

Overall, fashion in India is a lot like fashion in other parts of the world - people like to wear clothes that make them feel good and look nice. But in India, there are also some special styles and traditions that make it unique and beautiful!