Fatback is a part of a pig's body that has a lot of fat in it. It comes from the back of the pig and is often used in cooking to add flavor and moisture to food.
Picture the pig as a circle. The fatback comes from the top part of the circle. It's kind of like the pig's back fat.
It's important to know that there are two different types of fat: good fat and bad fat. Good fat is good for your body and helps you grow big and strong. Bad fat can be unhealthy in big amounts and can make you sick.
Fatback has both types of fat in it, but it has more of the bad fat. So you should only have a little bit of it at a time.
You can cook fatback in different ways. Sometimes people will fry it like bacon or use it in soups and stews for flavor. Other times, people will melt it down and use the liquid fat to cook other food.
Overall, fatback is a part of the pig that has a lot of fat and can be used to add flavor and moisture to food. But it's important to only have a little bit at a time because it has more of the bad fat that can make you sick if you have too much.