ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fault current limiter

A Fault Current Limiter is like a superhero that protects our homes and electrical systems from getting hurt.

You know how sometimes you may stick your finger in a socket or drop something in the water while it’s still plugged in? That can cause too much electricity to flow through the wires and it can be really dangerous to people and devices. It can cause fires, explosions, and damage to electrical equipment.

The Fault Current Limiter is a device that helps protect against this danger. It limits the amount of electricity that can flow through the wires by blocking any excess electrical energy from reaching the device or person. It’s like a traffic cop at an intersection, making sure that cars don’t crash into each other.

The FCL monitors the electrical current and if it detects too much electricity flowing through the wires, it will activate and limit the current. This is done in a safe and controlled way. It’s sort of like putting brakes on a car to slow it down before it goes out of control.

This helps keep people and devices safe from electrical accidents and damage. So, the Fault Current Limiter is basically like a powerful superhero that keeps our homes and electrical systems safe from harm.