ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Feminist security studies

Feminist security studies is like when we talk about how to make sure everyone is safe, but we also think about how boys and girls might have different experiences and might need different things to feel safe.

For example, sometimes boys are told to be tough and not show their emotions, but that can make them feel like they can't ask for help when they're scared. Girls might also feel scared sometimes, but they might have other worries like being treated unfairly or not being listened to when they speak up.

Feminist security studies looks at all of these different experiences and tries to figure out ways to make everyone feel safe and secure, no matter their gender or other differences. It means we think about things like making sure girls have a say in decisions that affect them, and making sure boys know it's okay to ask for help when they need it.

Overall, feminist security studies is about making sure everyone is safe and protected, while also understanding that different people might have different needs and experiences.