ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fife and drum corps

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen people in parades or on TV playing music with instruments that look like long tubes with holes and people hitting big drums? That's called a fife and drum corps!

The fife is a small instrument, kind of like a skinny, high-pitched flute. It makes a really sharp and clear sound that carries well over long distances. The drum is a big round instrument that makes a deep, booming sound when the drummer beats it with sticks.

So when a fife and drum corps plays music, the fifes play high-pitched melodies and the drums keep the beat. Sometimes there are other instruments too, like bass drums and cymbals, to add even more rhythm.

Fife and drum corps are often associated with military march music, because they were used by soldiers many years ago to keep their troops marching in time. But now people play fife and drum music for all kinds of events, like parades and festivals. It's a really fun and unique way to celebrate and make music together!