ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fixed-point theorem

Imagine you have a really big map with lots of different cities on it. You also have a really fun game you want to play with your friends where you start at one city, and follow roads to visit other cities until you finally end up back at the original city you started at. Here comes the important part - there is a rule for this game that says you are never allowed to visit a city twice, or skip any cities along the way.

Now, think about what would happen if you played this game with your friends on the map, and no matter which city you started at, you always ended up back at the same city in the end. That city is called a "fixed point" - it's like the map is stuck in place and won't move away from that point.

In math, the fixed-point theorem is a lot like this game. It's a rule that says if you have a certain kind of mathematical function (something that takes a number and gives you a new number), and follow that function over and over again, starting from any number you want, you will always end up at the same "fixed point" number.

For example, imagine a function that takes a number and multiplies it by 2. If we start at the number 1 and apply the function over and over again, we get the sequence 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on, getting bigger and bigger. But no matter where we start from, we will always end up at infinity, which is the fixed point of this function.

The fixed-point theorem is important in lots of different parts of math and science, because it tells us that there are certain situations where we can always count on things to end up in a certain place. It's like having a map that always leads you back to the same city, no matter how many different ways you try to get there.