ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flight and expulsion of Germans from Romania during and after World War II

Okay kiddo, during and after World War II, some people in Romania didn't like the German people who were living there. Many Germans had made Romania their home, but some of the people there felt angry and scared because Germany was fighting against Romania's friends and allies.

So, they started to make the Germans leave. This was called "flight and expulsion." It means that the Germans were either forced to leave or they decided to leave because they felt unsafe.

Many Germans left Romania by walking long distances or by taking crowded and uncomfortable trains. They had to leave their homes, friends, and everything they owned behind.

It was a very sad and scary time for the Germans who had to leave Romania. They didn't always feel welcome in the new places they went, and many had to start over with nothing.

This was a difficult time in history, and we should always remember how important it is to treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter where they come from or what they believe.