ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A flood-meadow is like a big area of land that gets really wet when there's a lot of rain or water from a river. When it rains really hard or when there's a lot of snow melting, the water goes into the river and makes it bigger. The extra water then goes into the flood-meadow and covers it with water.

When the flood-meadow is covered with water, it's not great for people to walk or play on, but it's very good for the animals that live there because they like wet and muddy places to live. There are lots of different animals that like flood-meadows, like birds, insects, and fish.

Sometimes, people build things called levees or flood walls to keep the water from going into places where they don't want it to go, like houses or cities. This can help protect people and property from floods. But flood-meadows are still really important because they provide a home for lots of animals and help filter and clean the water that goes into the river.