ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Food irradiation

Food irradiation is a process of treating food with a special kind of energy called 'ionizing radiation.' This energy is like a superhero power that can zap away bacteria and other bad germs that may be hiding in our food.

Just like we take a bath or brush our teeth to keep ourselves clean, food also needs to be kept clean to make sure that we don't get sick when we eat it. Food irradiation is like taking a bath for food to make sure that it's free of germs and bacteria that can make us sick.

The food that needs to be irradiated is put into a special room called an 'irradiator.' The food is placed on a conveyor belt and passes through the room where it is exposed to a specific amount of radiation for a short period of time. This radiation is not harmful to us, and it does not make the food radioactive.

Food irradiation helps to reduce the risk of foodborne diseases, which are caused by harmful bacteria and viruses that can grow and survive in food. By using this process, food can be made safer and stay fresher for longer periods of time.

So, just like we take care of ourselves by keeping clean, food also gets a special treatment to keep it clean and free from germs. It's like a superhero power that can help us all stay healthy!