ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foot in the door

Imagine you want some candy from your mom. You ask her for a whole bag of candy, but she says no.

But then you remember something called "foot in the door." This means you start by asking for something small first, and then ask for the big thing you really want. It's like putting your foot in the door, so it's harder for it to close all the way.

So you try it. You ask your mom for just one piece of candy. She says okay! Yay!

Then, a little while later, you go back to your mom and ask if maybe you could have a whole bag of candy? Since she already said yes to giving you one piece, she might be more likely to say yes to giving you the whole bag!

That's foot in the door. It's a sneaky way to get someone to say yes by starting with something small and slowly working your way up to the big thing you really want. But remember, it's important to be honest and respectful when you're using foot in the door.