ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Form 1095

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you get a piece of paper from your doctor that tells you what shots you've had and what medicine you've taken? Form 1095 is kinda like that but for your health insurance.

Basically, when you have health insurance, the government wants to know that you have it. So at the end of the year, your insurance company gives you a Form 1095 that tells the government that you had health insurance for the whole year.

There are different types of Form 1095s depending on what kind of health insurance you have. But they all say pretty much the same thing - that you had health insurance.

Now, if you don't have health insurance, then you don't get a Form 1095. And that's not good because you might have to pay a fine. But if you do have health insurance, then you'll get a Form 1095 and everything will be okay!