ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foundry model

Hey there little buddy! Do you know what a factory is? A place where things are made, right? Now, a foundry model is a way of making things in a factory where different companies work together to create a final product.

Let's say you want to make a car. One company can't make it all by itself, right? That's where the foundry model comes in. Different companies, called suppliers, work together to make the different parts of the car. One company might make the wheels, another the seats, and another the engine.

Think of it like building with Legos. One company makes the blue blocks and another makes the red blocks, but when you put them together, you get a cool Lego creation!

The foundry model is a way for companies to specialize in one thing and do it really well, instead of trying to do everything themselves. It's like a big teamwork project where everyone's skills come together to create a final product. Cool, huh?