ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Semiconductor fabless sales leaders by year

Okay kiddo, let me explain. A semiconductor is a tiny piece of material that helps control the flow of electricity in electronic devices like phones and computers. Every year, some companies that make semiconductors choose not to manufacture them themselves, but instead outsource the production to other companies. They are called fabless semiconductor companies because they don't make the chips themselves, but rather design them and hire another company to make them.

Now, these fabless semiconductor companies sell a lot of chips to other companies that use them to make things like phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. The companies that sell the most chips each year are known as semiconductor fabless sales leaders.

And each year, different companies could be the sales leaders depending on how much they sell. Some years, one company might sell the most chips, and other years a different company might sell the most. So, we keep track of the top semiconductor fabless sales leaders by year, to see which companies are doing really well in the chip market.