ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Semiconductor foundry sales leaders by year

Have you ever played with blocks before? Imagine that these blocks are made of special materials that can do really amazing things! They can control electricity and help your computer, phone, and other devices work properly.

Now, when companies want to make these special blocks, they need to either make them themselves (kind of like baking a cake from scratch) or they can buy them from other companies who specialize in making them. These companies are called semiconductor foundries.

Every year, different semiconductor foundries compete to sell the most blocks to other companies. It's kind of like a race to sell the most cookies at a bake sale. The company that sells the most blocks becomes the leader for that year.

Some of the most popular semiconductor foundries are companies like TSMC, Samsung, and GlobalFoundries. They make lots of blocks and sell them to other companies who then use them to make amazing devices like phones, computers, and even cars!

So, every year, these companies try to sell as many blocks as they can to be the leader in sales for that year. It's kind of like being the winner in a race or competition. Good for them, right?