ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fourth International

Okay, so you know how some people want to change the world to make it better? Well, there are groups of these people who call themselves socialists or Communists. They believe in sharing things fairly among everyone.

The Fourth International is a group of socialists who want to make a better world too, but they think that the only way to do that is to work together with people from all over the world. They think that just focusing on one country won't solve all the problems.

So, they have members in different countries who meet and talk about how to make things better globally. They have big meetings called congresses where they discuss ideas and make decisions on what to do next.

They also believe that the working class, which means the people who have to work to make a living, should be in charge of making decisions, not just a few rich people. They want to create a world where everyone has the same opportunities and rights, and no one is left behind.

So, that's a brief explanation of the Fourth International. Just like how you work with your friends to do better on group projects, the Fourth International works with people all over the world to make the world a better place for everyone.