ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fourth-generation programming language

Do you know what a computer is? It's like a big brain that helps us do lots of work. But it doesn't think like we do, it needs us to tell it exactly what to do.

Now, imagine if we had to tell the computer every single thing to do step by step, like telling it to open a program, type in some words, and save the document. That would be a lot of work and it could take a long time.

So, people came up with something called programming languages. These are like special instructions that we can give to the computer so it can understand what we want it to do. There are many different types of programming languages, but we'll talk about one called fourth-generation programming language.

Fourth-generation programming language, or 4GL for short, is like a language that is even easier for people to use to tell the computer what to do. Think of it like a shortcut or a recipe. Instead of writing out a long list of instructions, we can use 4GL to write more simplified instructions that the computer can understand.

For example, instead of writing a long line of code that tells the computer to add numbers together, we can use 4GL to simply tell the computer to add up all the numbers in a list.

Overall, 4GL is a way to simplify programming and make it faster for people to write computer programs. It's like a special language that helps us tell our computer what to do in a more efficient way.
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