ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free and open source

Okay kiddo, let me explain to you what "free and open source" means in a way you can understand.

Have you ever shared your toys with your friends? Well, imagine if the toys were things like computer programs or games that people use on their computers. With free and open source software, people can share these programs with each other and they can use them for free.

Now, let's talk about the "open source" part. This means that the people who make these programs give everyone the instructions for how to make them. This is like giving someone the recipe for a yummy cake.

This is really helpful because sometimes people want to change things about the program to make it work better for them. With the recipe, they can change the ingredients to make the cake taste better. With open source software, people can change the code to make the program work better for them.

So, to sum it up: "free and open source" means that people can use and share computer programs for free, and the instructions for making them are available for people to see and change if they want to.