ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free will theorem

Okay sweetie, have you ever been told what to do by your parents or teachers and had to do it even though you didn't want to? That's because sometimes we don't get to choose what we do, we just have to listen to the rules.

But there is something called the Free Will Theorem which says that in some situations, we do get to choose what we do. It's like having the power to pick what you want to do, even if someone else is telling you what to do or there are rules in place.

Scientists have studied this and found out that if we have certain information about what's going on around us, we can make our own choices. It's like having a secret code that only you know and using it to pick what you want to do.

But here's the tricky part, sweetie. When we make our own choices, it can affect what happens next. Like if you decide to go play outside instead of doing your homework, that choice could have consequences! That's why it's important to think carefully before making choices.

So, the Free Will Theorem is all about having the power to make our own choices in some situations, and how that can affect what happens next.