ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frey effect

Okay kiddo, imagine you are in a room with a lot of noise coming from outside. Now, imagine you have a special power that can let you hear sounds that are really low or really high, even if they are not that loud. That's a bit like what the Frey effect is.

It's all about how our brains perceive sounds. Normally, when we hear a sound, it's because our ears detect sound waves and send a message to our brain saying "Hey, there's a sound!" But the Frey effect adds another layer to this.

When you hear a really high-pitched sound, like a whistle or a scream, the Frey effect can make you feel like you're also feeling the sound in your head, almost like a pressure or a vibration. It's a bit like when you have a really loud sneeze and you feel your whole head shake.

This happens because the sound waves of really high-pitched sounds can actually create a sort of "electrical signal" in our heads. Our brain then interprets this signal as a physical sensation, even though there isn't really anything pushing on our heads.

So basically, the Frey effect is like a superpower that lets you feel certain sounds in your head as well as hear them. Pretty cool, huh?