ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Frisia is a historical region in northern Europe located along the North Sea coast. Think of it like a big playground for people who lived a long time ago. Frisia used to be home to a group of people who had their own language and culture, kind of like how you and your friends might have your own way of talking and games you like to play.

Frisia was also a very important place for trading things like fish, wool, and other goods. People would come from all over to buy and sell things there. Frisia even had its own coin called the Sceat, just like how you might have your own special money in a game you play with your friends.

Over time, different groups of people like the Romans, Vikings, and Saxons would come and go from Frisia, each leaving a little piece of their culture behind. This is kind of like how your family might have traditions that have been passed down from your grandparents or ancestors.

Today, Frisia is still a region with its own unique language, culture, and history, and people continue to celebrate and preserve its rich heritage.