ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Further education

Further education is when you decide to learn more things after finishing your normal school. This can be going to college, university or taking courses to gain new skills.

Imagine you already know how to read and write, and you're pretty good at math. But you want to learn more and become really good at it. So, you decide to go to a bigger school where there are more teachers that can teach you more things.

In college or university, you will learn new subjects like science, history, or art in a lot of detail. You might also learn things that will help you get a job later, like engineering or business. You'll have to study and do homework, but you'll also get to have fun with your friends and try new things.

Taking courses to gain new skills is also a great way to further your education. If you love to draw, you can take an art class to become even better. If you love to cook, you can take a cooking class to learn new recipes and techniques. It's like going to a short school for a specific thing you love.

The important thing to remember is that further education is all about learning more and improving yourself. It may be hard work, but it can also be a lot of fun and open up new opportunities for you in the future.