ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

GPS satellite

So imagine you are lost in a big park, and you don't know how to get out. But don't worry! There's something called a GPS satellite that can help you find your way.

A GPS satellite is a special kind of satellite that flies around the Earth way up in space. It sends out signals that a special device (like a GPS in your car or phone) can pick up. When your device picks up those signals, it uses them to figure out where you are.

The GPS satellite kind of works like a teacher giving you directions. It sends out information on where it is and what time it is, and your device uses that information to figure out how far away you are. And then it does some math to figure out where you are in relation to everything else. That's how it knows where you are in the park!

GPS satellites are really important because they can help people find their way when they're lost or navigating on a trip. Plus, they help airplanes and boats know where they are in the world. So the GPS satellite is like a really smart friend helping you find your way.