ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender and Judaism

Okay kiddo, let's start with the basics. Gender means whether you are a boy or a girl, or something in between. In Judaism, people of different genders are treated differently in some ways.

For example, when Jewish people pray, there are different prayers for boys and girls. Boys wear something called a kippah on their head, and some wear something called tefillin on their arms and head during certain prayers. Girls usually don't wear these things, but some do if they want to.

When it comes to being part of a synagogue or a Jewish community, there are different roles that boys and girls can have. Boys might become Bar Mitzvah when they turn 13, which means they can lead prayers and read from the Torah. Girls don't have this specific ceremony, but they can still participate in prayer and other Jewish activities.

Now, it's important to remember that gender isn't always so simple. Some people feel like they don't fit perfectly into "boy" or "girl" categories, and that's totally okay. In Judaism, there are different opinions about what this means and how to include everyone.

Some Jewish communities are very welcoming of people of all genders, and might have gender-neutral language in their prayers or allow everyone to participate in the same way. Other communities might be less accepting, and only allow certain roles for boys or girls.

Overall, Judaism has a long history and lots of different opinions about gender. What's most important is that you find a community that makes you feel welcome and respected, no matter who you are or how you identify.