ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gender bender

Gender bender is a phrase used to describe a person who changes or challenges traditional ideas about what it means to be a boy or a girl.

When we are born, we are assigned a gender – either male or female. This gender label is based on our biological sex, which is determined by our chromosomes and our physical features.

However, some people feel that their gender does not match their assigned sex. For example, a person who was born with a female body might feel more like a boy on the inside.

Gender benders are people who do things that push against the boundaries of traditional ideas of gender. This might include dressing in clothes that are typically associated with the opposite gender, using different pronouns to describe themselves, or expressing themselves in ways that are not typically associated with their assigned gender.

For example, a gender bender might be a person who was born male, but who enjoys wearing dresses or makeup, and who prefers to be addressed with female pronouns. Or, a gender bender might be a person who was born female, but who prefers to dress in masculine clothing and use male pronouns.

Some people might find the idea of gender bending a bit confusing or even scary. But it's important to understand that every person has the right to express themselves in the way that feels most true to who they are. And no matter how someone identifies, they deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.