ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Genetic determinism

Genetic determinism is a big and fancy word that means that some parts of you, like how tall you are, what color your hair is, and even some things like how smart you are can be decided by the genes that you get from your parents.

Our genes are like a set of instructions that tell our body how to grow and work. They are passed down from our parents and can make us who we are. For example, if your parents are tall, you might be tall too because you got their tall genes. If they have curly hair, you might have curly hair too because you got their curly hair genes.

It's important to know that genes aren't the only thing that makes us who we are. Our environment, which means where we live and the things we do, can also affect us. For example, if we eat healthy food and exercise regularly, we can be healthier and stronger.

But sometimes, people think that genes are the only thing that matters and that they can't change anything about themselves. This is not true! We can always learn new things, develop new skills, and change ourselves for the better.