ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Germanic Neopaganism

Germanic neopaganism is a modern religion that is based on the ancient beliefs and practices of people who lived in Germany and Scandinavia many, many years ago. It is like pretending to be a Viking or a warrior from a long time ago.

Some people think it's important to connect with their ancestral roots and to honor the old gods and goddesses that their ancestors worshipped. They celebrate important events like the solstices and equinoxes, and they believe in things like magic and the power of nature.

They also have cool ceremonies like blót, where they offer gifts to the gods, and sumbel, where they share stories and honors with each other. They might wear special clothing and jewelry, like Thor's hammer pendants, to show their devotion.

But it's important to remember that not everyone believes in the same things, and it's always okay to ask questions and learn more about different beliefs and religions.