ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gilgamesh flood myth

Okay kiddo, today we are going to talk about a story called the Gilgamesh flood myth. It's a very old story that people in ancient Mesopotamia, which is now the land of Iraq, used to tell a long time ago.

In the story, there's a man named Gilgamesh who is a big, strong king. But he is also very sad because his friend Enkidu died. So he goes on a journey to find a way to become immortal or to live forever.

Along the way, Gilgamesh meets an old man named Utnapishtim. Utnapishtim tells Gilgamesh a story about a time when the gods were angry with humans for being too noisy and not behaving well. To punish them, the gods decided to create a huge flood that would wipe out all humans except for a select few.

Utnapishtim was chosen to build a huge boat called an ark and gather two of every kind of animal to save them from the flood. The flood lasted for six days and nights and wiped out everything on earth. But because Utnapishtim had been chosen to save the animals, he and his family were also saved.

He floated around for a while after the flood, waiting for the water to go down. Finally, when it was safe to go ashore, Utnapishtim released all the animals and started a new life with his family. The gods were so impressed with Utnapishtim's bravery and ability to save the animals that they gave him and his wife immortality.

So, that's the story of the Gilgamesh flood myth. It's a story about how humans were punished for their behavior and how one man was able to save some animals and himself from a deadly flood.