ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Do you like playing with words? Today we're going to talk about something called "grammaticality."

When we talk or write, we need to use words in a certain way so that other people can understand what we mean. This is called "grammar." It's like following the rules of a game so that everyone knows how to play.

Now, sometimes we might hear or read things that don't sound quite right. Maybe someone says "I goed to the park" instead of "I went to the park." Or maybe we see a sign that says "Drive slow" instead of "Drive slowly." These things are not grammatical.

Grammaticality means that something follows the rules of grammar correctly. It's like saying the words in the right order and using the right forms of words (like using "am" instead of "is" when talking about ourselves). When something is grammatical, it makes sense to other people and they can understand what we're trying to say.

So, let's practice our grammar skills so we can make sure everything we say or write is grammatical!