ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Gravitation is like a big hug that the earth gives to everything on it. Just like your mom or dad hug you, the earth hugs everything towards itself. Because the earth is so big, its hug is very strong, and that's why we all stick to it and don't fall off.

The reason why the earth hugs everything is because it is made up of a lot of tiny bits called atoms. These atoms have a very special force in them called gravity. Since the earth is made up of so many atoms, it has a lot of gravity, and that's why everything gets pulled towards it.

Let's say you jumped up in the air. You might think that you'll just keep going up and up, but that's not what happens. Since the earth is hugging you, it pulls you back down. That's why you land back on the ground.

But why doesn't everything fall towards the middle of the earth? It's because everything is also pushing on the earth. That's right, just like the earth hugs everything, everything hugs back too! So the reason why we don't all end up in a big pile in the middle of the earth is because everything is pushing and hugging in all directions.

And that's pretty much what gravitation is. The big hug that the earth gives to everything, thanks to the special gravity force in its atoms.