ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Great Assembly

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Great Assembly! It's like a really big meeting, with lots of important people.

In ancient times, in some countries, it was the ultimate decision-making body. Members of the Great Assembly were chosen from the most respected members of society, like elders, leaders, and experts.

When they got together, they would talk about important things, like making new laws or deciding on a big war. They would listen to everyone's ideas and opinions, and then they would vote on what to do.

It was really important for everyone to speak up and be heard, so that the best decision could be made. And sometimes, the Great Assembly would even meet outdoors, like in a big field or under a tree!

So, in summary, the Great Assembly was a big meeting of important people who made important decisions after listening to everyone's ideas and opinions.
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