ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Grid parity

Grid parity is when renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, become just as cheap, or even cheaper, than fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. Imagine you have two toys, one that costs $5 and another that costs $10. The $5 toy is cheaper than the $10 toy. The same thing can happen with energy sources. In the past, fossil fuels were cheaper than renewable energy sources. But today, as technology has improved, renewable energy sources have become more efficient and affordable.

Now, let's use a fun example. Imagine you are a superhero and you need to power your supercomputer. You can choose between two ways: using a coal power plant or a solar power plant. The coal power plant costs $10 to power your supercomputer, but the solar power plant costs only $8. That means the solar power plant is cheaper than the coal power plant! This is what we call "grid parity." It's like saying the solar power plant and the coal power plant are now equally matched in terms of price.

With grid parity, more people will start using renewable energy because it's just as cheap as fossil fuels. This is really important because it means we can move away from dirty energy sources and towards cleaner, cheaper, and more sustainable energy sources for the future!