ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ground tracking station

Okay kiddo, have you ever played hide and seek? Well imagine you are playing with your friend and you want to keep track of where they are hiding. You would need to have someone watching them to make sure you know where they are.

Now imagine you are trying to watch and communicate with something that is very, very far away in space, like a satellite or a spaceship. That's where a ground tracking station comes in!

It's like a special hide and seek spotter that can see and talk to things in space. These tracking stations are usually big antennas that can move around to follow the object they are tracking. They are located all around the world so that they can always be watching and talking to the object, no matter where it is in the sky.

This way we can send and receive important information from space, like pictures or data, and make sure everything is working okay. It's really important to have these ground tracking stations so we can keep exploring and learning about space!