ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

H2X radar

Okay kiddo, have you ever played hide and seek? Well, imagine you're trying to find all of your friends who are hiding outside at night. It's really dark outside and you can't see where they are hiding. What do you do? You might use something like a flashlight to shine light around and try to see where they are hiding.

The h2x radar is kind of like a special flashlight for grown-ups. Instead of shining light, it sends out radio waves that bounce off objects and come back to the radar. The radar can then use those radio waves to make a picture of what's out there, like a map of where things are.

This is really helpful in things like airplanes or ships, where they need to know where other things are around them so they can avoid hitting them. The radar helps them "see" things that are too far away or too dark to see with their own eyes.

So, h2x radar basically helps grown-ups "see" things with radio waves instead of light. It's kind of like playing hide and seek with a special flashlight, but instead of finding your friends, you're helping airplanes and ships stay safe.