ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hard disk drive spindle

A hard disk drive spindle is like a spinning top inside a computer. Just like how you spin a top with your fingers, the spindle spins too, but much, much faster!

The spindle is a round, flat disk made of metal or glass, and it has a magnetic coating on it. This magnetic coating is where all of the important information on your computer is stored.

The spindle has a special motor underneath it that makes it spin at speeds of thousands of revolutions per minute! The spinning disk creates a magnetic field that reads and writes the information on the disk. It's kind of like how a needle on a record player reads grooves on a vinyl record to make music play.

And just like how you need to be careful when playing with a top so it doesn't stop spinning, the spindle needs to be protected in the hard drive so it keeps spinning perfectly.

So, the next time you turn on your computer and hear a whirring sound, remember that it's the hard disk drive spindle spinning away and keeping all of your important files safe and sound!