ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hearing (law)

Hearing in law is like a big grown-up game where people go to talk about things that are important. It's kind of like when you and your friend have a disagreement, and your mom or dad listens to both of you to figure out what happened and decide what to do next.

In a hearing, there are usually a lot of grown-ups involved, like judges, lawyers, and maybe even some witnesses who saw or heard what happened. Everyone has to follow special rules so that it's fair for everyone.

Sometimes, a hearing is held to decide if someone did something wrong and what the consequences should be. Other times, it might be held to figure out what should happen to something or to hear someone's side of the story.

During the hearing, everyone has a turn to talk and share their side of the story. Sometimes, they might even show pictures or videos to help explain what happened.

When everyone has had their turn to talk, the judge or person in charge will think about everything they heard and figure out what should happen next. It's sort of like when your mom or dad listens to both you and your friend and then decides what to do to make things better.

Overall, a hearing in law is a way for grown-ups to talk about what's fair and right, just like you and your friends talk things out when there's a problem.