ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heat wave

Heat waves happen when it gets really, really hot outside for a long time. Kind of like when it's super hot out and you feel like you're baking in the sun! When this happens for three or more days in a row, it's called a heat wave.

During a heat wave, the air around us starts feeling like it's thick and heavy, and it can be hard to breathe. Our bodies get hot too, and we might start to sweat a lot to try to cool down. This is because we have sweat glands all over our skin and they produce sweat, which is like a natural air conditioner for our bodies!

But when it's super hot out, our sweat doesn't really work as well as it should because the air is already so humid. And that can make us feel uncomfortable, tired, and even sick. When we're feeling too hot, it's important to stay in a cool and shaded place, drink lots of water, and avoid playing too hard outside until it cools down again.

So basically, a heat wave is when it's really hot outside for a long time, and it can make us feel yucky if we don't take care of ourselves!
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