ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Heathenry (new religious movement)

Heathenry is a new religious movement that some people follow. It's kind of like a club that has its own special beliefs and ways of doing things.

Instead of believing in just one god or goddess, heathens believe in lots of different ones, from Norse mythology. Like Thor, Odin and Freya.

Heathens also believe in something called "Wyrd," which means that everything that happens in the world is connected and has an impact on everything else.

Heathens have special days that they celebrate too, like Yule (a winter holiday) and Midsummer (a summer holiday). They have special traditions and rituals that they do during these holidays, like lighting candles and having feasts.

Heathens also believe that it's important to be respectful and kind to others, especially those who are different from us. Some heathens also believe in being warriors, but not in a violent way. They believe in standing up for what's right and protecting those who need help.

It's important to remember that everyone has different beliefs and it's okay to have different ideas about the world. Heathenry is just one way that people choose to connect with something greater than themselves.