ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Hierarchy of angels

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are different jobs and roles in the world, right? Well, angels also have different jobs and roles that they do for God.

There are different levels or ranks of angels, kinda like in school where there are grades 1, 2, 3, and so on. In the hierarchy of angels, the highest rank is called the seraphim. They are like the head angels and they spend their time singing praises to God in heaven.

Next come the cherubim, who are usually portrayed as having wings and guarding special places or things. They are also said to be very wise and knowledgeable.

Then there are the thrones, who help God make decisions and are associated with judgment and justice.

Next are the dominions, who are responsible for giving orders to other angels and making sure everything is organized.

After that, come the virtues, who help with miracles and other powerful acts of God.

The powers come next and they protect people from evil forces and keep the natural order of things in balance.

There are also the principalities, who are said to watch over cities and countries, and the archangels, who are important messengers from God to humans.

So you see, just like there are different jobs and roles for people in the world, angels also have different roles and levels in the hierarchy.