ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection

High-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP) is like a secret language that helps protect movies and TV shows from being stolen. Imagine you have a special toy that you don't want anyone else to touch, so you only show it to your best friend who you trust. HDCP does the same thing, it only shows movies and TV shows to approved devices that are trusted.

When you watch a movie or TV show on your computer, you have to use a cable to connect it to the TV. HDCP is like a special code that is sent through this cable to make sure that nobody else can see the movie. It's a bit like a secret handshake that only your computer and your TV can understand.

This means that if someone tries to copy the movie as it's playing on your TV, the copied version will be scrambled and unreadable. This helps to make sure that the movie studios can keep making new movies and TV shows without worrying about people stealing them.

HDCP is like a gatekeeper for movies and TV shows, making sure that only trusted devices can access them. It helps keep things safe and secure so you can enjoy watching your favorite movies and TV shows without any worries.