Once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a town called Florence in a beautiful country named Italy. Florence was a small town surrounded by hills and it was famous for many wonderful things.
Long ago, a group of people called the Etruscans first settled in Florence. After them, the Romans took over and made Florence a part of their great empire. During the Middle Ages, Florence became an important trading centre with banks, shops and markets. It was also known for the beautiful art that was created by great artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo.
In the 14th century, Florence became even more famous because of a special group of people called the Medici family. The Medici family was very rich and powerful, and they loved Florence a lot. They gave a lot of money to the city, and this helped Florence become one of the most important cities in Europe.
The Medici family also loved art and they were great patrons of artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. They built beautiful houses and palaces, and they decorated them with amazing art. They also collected many wonderful art pieces from other places and kept them in Florence for everyone to see.
In the 16th century, Florence became part of a larger nation called Italy. It continued to grow and attract many visitors from all over the world. Florence is still famous today for its beautiful art, delicious food, and wonderful culture.